Easter is right around the corner, and I for one can tell you what I will be up to. In the morning, I will be out on the lake for some serious spotted bass fishing. Afterwards, my wife and I will head to my In-Laws’ for some great food and family time.
I love fishing on holidays because, typically, I am the only one out there doing my thing. But some people have told me that, for them, that’s strictly family time and they would never get out on the lake or river, even for a minute.
So, we want to know what you think. Is it fair or foul to fish on a holiday?
Couldn’t really vote because it depends on the holiday. Easter to me is a special secred time, to remember why it is a holiday—and then family.
Some holidays are perfect for fishing or any other outing.
It is up to the person or persons to make that decision. If they take that right away the decision proscess from us, what will they take away next? They have taken too much as it is. (goverment)