It is rare that pop culture and the world of fly fishing ever intersect, but that is exactly what is happening right now. Fly shops all over the country are having trouble keeping hackle in stock, and manufacturers are having even more trouble keeping up with the rising demand.
It’s hard to say exactly where the trend for wearing feather extensions in hair began—several salons all over the country are trying to take credit for inventing the practice. One thing is for sure though, it hit a fever pitch with this seasons’ American Idol where judge Steven Tyler could be seen sporting the ‘do.
Hackle, like the kind that can be seen in the picture to the left, comes from chickens. Hackle manufacturers harvest the feathers, then treat and dye them before shipping them off to fly shops to be sold to fly tiers.
Recently though, hackle manufacturers and distributors are seeing a new client buying up their stock—trendy hair salons. Some clever fly fisherman have even been selling their tying stock on eBay for a hefty profit.
At the moment, the trend is hitting it’s peak, and like most things fashion related, it’s only a matter of time before it all dies down and disappears. It looks like we will just have to wait a while for it all to blow over before we can go back to leisurely tying. Trends like this come and go, but when it’s all said and done, we will still be here tying flies and buying hackle.
For now, do us a favor. If you are out fishing and see someone with feathers in his or her hair while you are on the river, be sure to walk right through the middle of their pool.
See ya on the water…
Very interesting…Though I’m a musician I’ve never had the compulsion to wear dye treated chicken feathers in my hair and don’t plan on it anytime in the near feature. I will continue to support my brothers-in-arms and leave the Hackle to the pros- Fisherman that is 😉
What’s up Marty! Tell all the musicians you know that, just like actresses who avoid fur, all performers should avoid the Hackles! Leave um’ to us anglers and the world will indeed be a better place.