Work getting in the way?
Is your bosses idea of fishing grabbing a beer and a lawn chair and chucking trout Powerbait and a bobber in the middle of summer time?
If this situation sounds even remotely familiar, I have you covered! Sure, you could just call in sick—but how many times can you really get the flu in the same year? If you are going to go the old, boring, “call in sick” method, at least go over to Web MD and get some creative ailments.
No, for the truly brave, I have three suggestions for you.
Please note: This stuff is just for fun and probably not 100% politically correct. I know that—again, it’s just for fun, so no angry emails, K?
1. Start A Religion
If you had your own religion, there is no end to all of the fun holidays you could create that would necessitate needing a day off.
Things like Basstivus, or Troutakka, or even Carpster, are all strong possibilities.
Not only are the possibilities for holidays fun, but you could even mandate a dress code of waders and Costa Del Mar glasses. You could cover your head with your favorite fishing hat every day.
Tired of calling in sick? Start that religion…
2. Fishing Addiction
Guess what? Addiction is actually covered by the Americans With Disabilities act. As long as you are seeking treatment, your job is protected.
Well, why not get treatment for your fishing addiction? In fact, the only good treatment I know of is a solid day on the water!
3. Secede And Form Your Own Country
Secession is the ultimate step!
This is where you take the step and declare your home an independent and sovereign nation. This eliminates the boss situation altogether because you become the Commander in Chief of your own little country.
No one can tell you anything now.
Next time you start having that feeling that you are going to kill someone if you can’t get out on the water, get a little more creative than just calling in sick. Try these if you like, or fire off a few of your own!
See ya on the water…