3 Reasons To Continue Using Monofilament Line

There are more and more lines to choose from these days. With so many options becoming very popular, it is becoming more and more common for an angler not to use monofilament fishing line any more whatsoever.

With a wide variety of braid and fluorocarbon lines available, and angler has more to choose from these days when it comes to serious bass fishing line. So why on earth would you want to use boring old monofilament line?

Well, I will give you three good reasons, especially if you like crankbaits…

Monofilament Fishing Line Floats

Oh yes, this matters.

Having a floating fishing line can have an effect on the action of your lures. I love using mono on my crankbaits because of where it allows them to sit in the water column. This subtle difference matters most on stop and go retrieves.

Monofilament Fishing Line Stretches

Why would you want your line to stretch?

Wouldn’t that be a bad thing and take away from a good hook set?

Well, not all the time. Because of that stretch, it allows the bait to get a bit deeper in the mouth of the fish, as opposed to ripping it out when you go for the set.

Once again, this is great for crankbaits. My hookup to strike ratio on crankbaits is much better when I am spooled up with mono.

Monofilament Fishing Line is Cheap

We fish a lot.

I hope you fish a lot.

That means we have to re-spool a fair few reals every season, and monofilament is easy on the wallet when you have to do that. Not much else to say here except, who doesn’t like saving money?

So there you have three reasons to keep using monofilament line at least some of the time. By no means should you throw away your braid or your P-Line, just don’t forget the old mono has it’s advantages too.

See ya on the water…