The fishing is mourning the loss of a true giant and innovator this weekend.
Forrest Wood, largely recognized as the originator of the modern bass boat, passed away on January 24th at the age of 87. He is survived by his wife Nina and four daughters.
Born in 1932 in Flippin Arkansas, Wood recognized the need for a new kind of boat while guiding in the Ozarks. In 1968, he founded Ranger boats.
He only built 6 boats that first year, but Ranger would go on to become huge. We all know the name, the look, and the legacy. Wood sold the business in 1987.
The extent of the legacy of this man on bass fishing cannot be overstated nor really quantified. In his way, doing what he loves, he truly changed the world.
I had the chance to meet Mr. Wood a few times. He was always a congenial man who took the time to speak with fans and truly loved the sport of fishing.
He will be missed and we send our sincere condolences to the Wood family.