All too often, we fisherman have a habit of getting after the latest trend in bass fishing. We figure out all of the techniques and tricks the pros are using on the trail these days and copy them.
We debate for hours on the validity of things like the Alabama rig.
Yet, we overlook the trailblazers of the past like Bill Dance, Lefty Kreh, or Hank Parker. Today we are going to give tribute to another one of those pioneers—Mr. Tom Mann.
We Should All Thank Tom Mann
Perhaps you’ve never heard of Tom, but I guarantee you’ve used a piece of his legacy.
Not only was Mann a tournament pro (who actually was the first to sign up in the first ever bass tournament held in the US), but he was also an inventor of lures and techniques.
The reason we should all line up to thank him is because he is credited as inventing the plastic worm.
One of his favorite techniques was fishing big worms on spinning tackle. Now, show me a bass fisherman who has not given that technique a try!
Tom Mann And The Depth Finder
Fish finders are another area that would not be where they are today without Mann’s contributions.
A company called Allied Sports Company approached Mann to help them develop, and endorse, an inexpensive fish finder for bass boats.
You probably have heard of this company, and know it better by the name it uses today—Humminbird.
Mann was eventually inducted into the Fishing Hall of Fame, and passed away in 2005.
Today, we here at MVF solute this pioneer and true original, to whom we all owe a thanks.
See ya on the water…