Netbait BK Swim Bait Revisited

I had the itch so bad the other night to go fishing that I went to this small, private facility that is very close to the house to see what the bass were doing and, of course, to test some new lures.

The problem is that this park stocks catfish during the summer and holds derbies that allow the anglers to fish all night. What that translates to is people lighting fires, lining up rods on shore for yards at a time and throwing all manner of stinky things into the water trying to catch kitty cats.

On top of that, we were experiencing some seriously cold wind that just cropped up out of nowhere. Man, am I a glutton for punishment or what?

Anyway, I started fishing with a couple of the baits that I wanted to use for the first time, which at this point will remain nameless so that we can give them a fair chance and a full review.   Absolutely nothing was happening even though the lures were performing the way they were expected to. The bass just weren’t cooperating for whatever reason! Maybe they were spooked out of their gourds from all the action at the lake around the shore because they had a bad case of lock-jaw and I was having a tough time figuring out the key.

A couple of hours had gone by without so much as a nibble. Dark was coming on quickly and I had to make a decision since nothin’ else was working so I changed lures and let fly.

We have reviewed the Netbait BK swimbait and were very impressed by this bait. With nothing else working, I decided to tie one on. I used the very same lure that I have already caught a dozen fish on because it was still in pretty good shape. I rigged it the same way I have since I got the bait which is on a 4/0 Mustad Power Lock Plus Spring Keeper. I figured that the worst case scenario would be that I wouldn’t get any bites on the BK but, with some luck, I would be able to find out how many fish you can catch on one of these baits.

Not long after I started throwing the Netbait, I got my first fish. He absolutely hammered the swimbait and dragged me through some pretty intense slop on the way in. I got a picture of him, got him off the hook and threw him back in. The next cast, I got slammed again. I repeated the picture, unhooking and throwing back procedure and then, took a close look at the BK. Still very little damage to the bait. All I had to do was straighten it on the hook and it was ready to go again.

I have to apologize at this point for the pictures that will go with this article. I ended up fishing by myself that night and was trying to hold my rod, the fish and get a picture at the same time. I obviously was not overly successful in the photography department. But you can still make out the swimbait in the mouths of the bass.

I fished for about another hour before having to head home and in that time managed to catch 5 more fish. So, by my math, I have now caught 19 bass on one BK swimbait. I mentioned in our original review that these lures are bargained priced at $4.99 for five, or about a buck each.

I have now caught 19 bass on one of them, the first one that I used in that color and it is still going! I don’t know how much longer it will go or how many more bass I can catch before it is unusable but I’m going to have a good time finding out!

When we did our original review we had not instituted our rating system so I am going to take this opportunity to rate this lure.

MVF gives the Netbait BK Swimbait 4 1/2 stars.

See ya’ on the water …