Fly Fishing For Beginners: Understanding Fly Fishing Tackle Pt. I

It’s time again to return to our series on fly fishing for beginners, and today, we begin looking at fly fishing tackle.

When I first got started in the sport, so many elements of fly fishing seemed almost mystical. Besides casting (which we will be getting to soon, I promise!), fly fishing tackle seemed especially alien. It seemed like more of an art than anything else. If you are feeling this way as well, I don’t want you to worry—it really isn’t that difficult to get a handle on! [Read more…]

Toccoa River Fishing Report June 2011

The Toccoa River is often called Georgia’s best trout river. I don’t know if this is entirely true, but I have had some great success, and great trips on this river.

One of the things I like about this river is the diversity of the water. I have had equal success on the headwaters, and the tailwaters. I have also taken many visiting anglers to this river, and have found it a great place to teach beginners, and give more advanced anglers the shot at some big fish. [Read more…]

Small Stream Fishing On Wildcat Creek

On the recent Memorial Day Holiday, I decided to get out and do some fishing. I figured the big rivers were a bad choice—tubers, swimmers, and kayakers would be out in force. I was certainly right about that, as every bridge over a river revealed a ton of people enjoying the water.

On this holiday, as I do with most holidays, I decided I needed to get out…way out. WMA’s, or Wildlife Management Areas are typically my holiday fishing spot of choice. Most of the time, they are difficult to access, very remote, and not very well known. [Read more…]

Pond Scum Of The Month May 2011

Here at Man Versus Fish, we understand that there are many ways and means to use a body of water. In fact we totally get that, and condone it. From camping to boating, hiking and a little family fun time, to us, it’s all good.

Except when people are disrespectful. [Read more…]

Steven Tyler And American Idol Cause Shortages For Fly Tiers

It is rare that pop culture and the world of fly fishing ever intersect, but that is exactly what is happening right now. Fly shops all over the country are having trouble keeping hackle in stock, and manufacturers are having even more trouble keeping up with the rising demand. [Read more…]

Exactly What Is Tenkara Fly Fishing?

Lately, there has been a great deal of interest in a new form of fly fishing called Tenkara. By new of course, I mean it’s actually very old and the fly fishing mainstream is just starting to catch on.

Let’s take a look at this type of fishing, and see if we can’t discover a new facet of this fantastic sport. [Read more…]

Fly Fishing For Beginners: How To Read A River Part III

Today will be our last installment on reading the water. If you haven’t already, be sure to read How To Read A River Part I and Part II.

This article is not so much about teaching, but more about providing additional resources that will be helpful to you. My first two articles laid down the foundation, but reading a trout stream is something you never truly master. [Read more…]

Spro Fat John Shallow Diving Crankbait

Kevin VanDam and I have something in common—we are both bass fishing crankbait monsters!

Ok, ok, maybe I’m not quite the crankbait fisherman KVD is, but it is still one of my favorite ways to go after bass. Recently, I picked up a few Spro Fat John shallow running crankbaits to test out and review. [Read more…]

River2Sea Dahlberg Diver Frog

It may seem like we’ve gone a little frog crazy over here lately, but that’s just because it’s a great time of year to catch some serious bass on frogs. Lily pads, bulrushes, submerged trees and large weed and grass beds are all fantastic places to find big bass during the late spring. [Read more…]

Chattahoochee River Fishing Report: The Lower River May 2011

The lower portion of the Chattahoochee River is hot right now. I had the opportunity to fish it recently, and got some really good information to pass on.  [Read more…]