How To Tie A Texas Rig

Texas Rig

Today, let’s look at an alternative to the Carolina rig called the Texas rig. Let’s start with how to tie it and we’ll go over why you would want to use this specific technique. And by the way, keep those questions coming! At MVF, we really enjoy answering them and giving other folks, who may have the same questions, an answer that they have been looking for but were unable to find or just needed some clarification.   [Read more…]

How To Tie A Carolina Rig

Carolina Rig

We’ve had some great questions coming from our readers including the subject of today’s article. “How do you tie a Carolina rig?” The c-rig or ball and chain, as it is often referred to, has been around for decades and still catches fish consistently. There have been a lot of variations and, in my opinion, some great improvements over the years which we’ll discuss later. First let’s look at how to tie this rig. [Read more…]

Pond Scum Of The Month July 2011

Sorry gang, I know that it’s late in the month but we’re still going to present this months “Pond Scum of the Month” award. And the winner is “Rapidfirous Scattergunameoba” or, RS for short. This particular strain of pond scum is absolutely harmless to anyone. If fact, it is amusing to watch as it skitters all over the water in the attempt to become productive without ever thinking that it’s behavior is precisely what prevents it from doing just that.   [Read more…]

Summer Bass Fishing Tips

It Gets Tough In The Summer

Some of our readers have written in telling us about how incredibly hot it has gotten in their area lately and this has shut down the bass. One gentlemen in particular has asked if there is anything that he can do differently to wake em’ up.

I gotta tell you that we have the same problem here in So-Cal. It’s as though we skipped spring and went from cold, wet days immediately into very hot, clear days. When this happens there are a few things that I have found that generally speaking, will put some fish on your thumb. [Read more…]

5 Places You Have To Fish Before You Die

Heaven Probably Looks Like This

One day, it’s gonna happen to all of us—no one lives forever. I for one plan to make the most of the time we are given on this planet, and I think you should do the same.

The great outdoors are just that, great! I think all of us who are of able mind and body have somewhat of a responsibility to get out there and live life to it’s fullest. For us here at MVF, that means getting out and seeing some incredible parts of the world. [Read more…]

Fly Fishing For Bass By Lefty Kreh And Bob Clouser DVD

[ReviewAZON asin=”B001FOMOFE” display=”inlinepost”] If you’ve read this blog for any length of time, you already know I am a fan of Lefty Kreh and Bob Clouser.

Lefty is simply one of fly fishing’s true all time greats, and Bob Clouser is the genius behind The Clouser Minnow. That fly happens to also be my go to fly for bass fishing on a fly rod, and I have pulled some great looking bass on it. [Read more…]

From Bass Fishing To Fly Fishing

Time For Some Fly Action

Just a quick little blast to let everyone in on my second official fly fishing excursion. We went to Georgia for vacation and of course to do some fishing which included fly-fishing on a couple of “The Kids” favorite river systems.

I wrote about my first experience with this type of fishing when I went to Georgia last November. Ever since then, I have been waiting for another opportunity to try it again if for no other reason, to get out in the woods, off the beaten path and pursue some wild trout. [Read more…]

How To Tie A Bass Fishing Double Rig

We mentioned in our review of the Poor Boys Erie Darter that, in my opinion, the best way to rig this bait is with a double rig. We have had some folks write to us about that and ask us how exactly to tie this rig. We think this is a great question, and a great topic to touch on today. [Read more…]

Netbait BK Swim Bait Revisited

I had the itch so bad the other night to go fishing that I went to this small, private facility that is very close to the house to see what the bass were doing and, of course, to test some new lures.

The problem is that this park stocks catfish during the summer and holds derbies that allow the anglers to fish all night. What that translates to is people lighting fires, lining up rods on shore for yards at a time and throwing all manner of stinky things into the water trying to catch kitty cats. [Read more…]

What Brent Ehrler Can Teach You About Using What You Have

Recently we’ve had some folks write to us expressing some frustrations about their local waters both in terms of the size of the lakes and the pressure that the fish see day to day. They often talk about wishing that they had access to more and larger impoundments to try to become more proficient at bass fishing. [Read more…]