Pond Scum Of The Month May 2011

Here at Man Versus Fish, we understand that there are many ways and means to use a body of water. In fact we totally get that, and condone it. From camping to boating, hiking and a little family fun time, to us, it’s all good.

Except when people are disrespectful. [Read more…]

How To Clean Your Electronic Screens

Fishing electronics have come an amazing distance in the past 50 years. From depth finders, fish finders, and gps—to the instruments on the control panel itself—they all share one common thread.

They get dirty! [Read more…]

Poll: Is It Cool To Fish On Holidays?

Easter is right around the corner, and I for one can tell you what I will be up to. In the morning, I will be out on the lake for some serious spotted bass fishing. Afterwards, my wife and I will head to my In-Laws’ for some great food and family time.

I love fishing on holidays because, typically, I am the only one out there doing my thing. But some people have told me that, for them, that’s strictly family time and they would never get out on the lake or river, even for a minute. [Read more…]

The World Record Musky

Besides being Wisconsin’s State fish, the musky is described as “the fish of 10,000 casts.” Anyone who has ever gone out for one of these monsters knows that to be true.

Equally true though—it only takes one of those casts to land a world record!

That is exactly what happened to Cal Johnson in 1949, when he landed a 67 pound, 8 ounce monster on Lake Court Oreilles in Hayward Wisconsin.  [Read more…]

Poll: What Is The Ultimate Fishing Vacation Location?

Fishing right around your home can be amazing. But what about those amazing dream locations all around the world? People spend hours dreaming and scheming, trying to figure out that perfect spot. [Read more…]

How To Get Bass Fishing Reels To Test…For FREE!

Have you ever wanted to get bass fishing reels to test out before you bought them, free of charge?

Or have you ever just wanted to give something other than what you own a go on someone else’s dime?

Either way, I have some exciting news for you. It is possible, and it is quality stuff from a great company.  [Read more…]

Pond Scum Of The Month, March 2011

Well gang, it’s time for our “Pond Scum of the Month” feature. This month the prestigious award goes to “Spaceinvaderite Squeezeameoba”, or SISA for short. This pest usually inhabits small bodies of water and is very mobile. [Read more…]

Time For Some Spring Cleaning

I realize that a lot of the country is still battling brutally cold weather and has an itch to go out and get some serious fishin’ in. But there are some things that need to be tended to before that first trip which is why we’re doing our “Spring cleaning for fisherman.” [Read more…]

How To Clean A Fish

Our last trout trip, we decided to keep some fish and have them for dinner. As I as cleaning them, a gentlemen said that he had never seen fish cleaned quite that way so I figured I would take a few pictures and show you how I like to fillet fish. [Read more…]

Lake Trout Fishing February 2011

Another fishing trip is now in the books and this one went well. We went out to fish for trout and of course I took a couple of bass rigs with me so that I could test some new lures but we’ll get to that later. For now let’s just concentrate on the outing at hand. [Read more…]