Featured Reviews

One component of fishing that can make a huge difference in everything from angler fatigue to hook up ratio, having the ability to present a bait properly, casting distance and accuracy as well as myriad other concerns is a good, balanced rod. Yes, the stick you’re using can, depending on which one you’re throwing, either… [Continue Reading]

Daiwa Kage Rod Review

Daiwa introduced their Tatula series of reels several years ago beginning with the original Tatula 100 and 100 Type R. We’ve had every major version update since then including the CT Type R and the SV. We obtained the new Tatula 100 some time last year and have been fishing with it ever since.

There are times when big topwater walking baits are key to getting bites while other situations may call for something a little less boisterous. One bait that you can use that still has a decent length to it but presents itself with more subtlety is the Berkley Drift Walker. This bait comes in ten colors… [Continue Reading]

Lake Trout Fishing February 2011

Another fishing trip is now in the books and this one went well. We went out to fish for trout and of course I took a couple of bass rigs with me so that I could test some new lures but we’ll get to that later. For now let’s just concentrate on the outing at hand. [Read more…]

P Line Voltage Review

Today’s review is on the new P-Line Voltage, a co-polymer with built in UV protection. I make no bones about the fact that P-Line Floroclear has been my main line for bass fishing for a number of years. I have tried other products but haven’t to date found anything that impresses me enough to replace this line on my bass rigs. [Read more…]

Pond Scum Of The Month, February 2011

Pond Scum Of The Month is a new monthly feature here at MVF. Bass fishing is, for the most part, filled with good people who know “the code” and follow the rules. There are some however, who don’t. We will be looking at those folks in this monthly feature. [Read more…]

The Wild World Of Catfish Noodling

Here at Man Versus Fish, we love all kinds of fishing. We love fishing for all different species, and we love different techniques.

Catfish noodling may be the craziest thing we’ve ever seen! [Read more…]

KVD Silent Stalker Review

We went out trout fishing on the 4th and as usual, I took a bait-casting rod with me so that I could test a couple of new lures. The first is the one I am going to review today, the KVD Silent Stalker Square Bill 1.5 crankbait. Yeah, it’s a lot of name but was one of the baits that last year was a prototype and helped Kevin VanDam win his third consecutive AOY title. [Read more…]

Digital Fishing Scales

Today we’re going to talk about digital fishing scales as they have come a long way since my early days of fishing. Yes, I can remember the days before digital scales, I am that old and remember when all we really had for the amateur was one of those old clock face style scales that weighed a four pound fish as two pounds and a ten pound weight as four pounds. Scales, like wine seem to have gotten much better with age. [Read more…]

Spro Phat Fly Review

In keeping with the season here at MVF, our next review is on the Spro Phat Fly. This little doll hair fig is designed to be fished under a bobber and will sit dead horizontal in the water column. [Read more…]

Drop Shot Fishing

Tonight’s review is on more than a particular lure but also a specific technique. We have been sticking to our theme here at MVF and looking at those lures that will catch bass in the cold weather. [Read more…]

Jackall Tungsten Jig Head Review

My last review was on the Jackall Flick Shake Worm and in keeping with that theme, today’s review is on the Jackall Tungsten Jighead. This particular jighead was designed specifically with the Flick Shake Worm in mind and in my opinion, is an excellent complement to the Jackall worm. [Read more…]

Baitcasting Reel Basics

I always take a baitcasting outfit with me whenever I go fishing and our last trip for trout was no different. Even when the weather is bad I like to take a new bait or two with me so that I can use it and spend some time trying to figure out the best retrieve for coaxing fish to bite and for testing a new lure in varying conditions. This is the long way around getting to my point. [Read more…]