Duo Realiz Shad 59MR – Small but Mighty Fine

Post spawn can be feast or famine. Some days, the fish will hit anything you throw in the water but more often than not, they can be down right finicky, with a severe case of lockjaw.


When this happens, anglers will go through lures at an accelerated rate trying to find what they will hit. We’ve got a suggestion for you that you may not have heard of. No, it isn’t a brand new lure but one that goes largely overlooked.

The Duo Realis Shad 59MR Crankbait. This little plug is what you would get if you were to cross a small squarebill with a tiny jerkbait. The shape is an elongated minnow with fairly flat sides, molded in gill plate detail, 3D eyes, a narrow tear drop shaped lip, very small split ring, a slender profile and two sticky sharp unspecified treble hooks.

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