Controlling Invasive Species: Switching To Rubber Soles

If you have been fly fishing for any length of time, you have probably heard some discussion of invasive species. These are the little devils that are non-native invaders in our fisheries and water ways.

But just what is an invasive species exactly? Well, as I said, they are typically non-native species of flora and fauna that can damage the natural eco-systems of the places we all love.

In short, they are bad for your fisheries!

But, as I said, they are non-native, so just how do they get there? Typically, they are transported by some other non-native body into the water. They then detach from this carrier, and start to make a home in the new environment. That carrier is typically fisherman like you and I!

One way that you can help prevent the spread of invasive species is by switching from felt soled wading boots, to rubber soles. Felt tends to soak everything up, including things you don’t want. What ends up happening is you have these species in your soles, and then when you go to a fishery, you have successfully transported a parasite and introduced it to the new water.

Rubber soles don’t soak anything up.

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Make The Switch

We all have a responsibility to ensure that our fisheries are there for future generations. While we may not be able to stop them completely, we can all do our part and make the switch to rubber soles.

Remember, when we are discussing invasive species, we are not referring to just one. There are several that are particularly menacing, including, didymo (rock snot), whirling-disease foil, mud snails, and Erua-Eurasian milfoil. Now this is just a short list, but I don’t want to be responsible for making the problem worse when I could have done something about it.

That’s exactly why I have made the switch myself.

Do Rubber Soles Work As Well As Felt?

This is a good and fair question. Out of the box, the answer is no. There are some simple modifications you can make to ensure that your boots are wading ready, regardless of the type of water you fish.

I am going to share those tips with you next week in the newsletter. If you haven’t already signed up, make sure you do so today!

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by joshua noerr and Man Versus Fish, Green For You. Green For You said: What everyone needs to know about controlling invasive species #green […]

  2. […] just the better choice for controlling invasive species and protecting our […]