FishSticks Lure Enhancer Fishing Lure Scent Review

Today’s review is on one of those pieces of equipment that has evolved a great deal in the last ten years, scent. I remember way back in the day when using scent meant pouring some kind of liquid all over your soft plastics in a sandwich bag and letting your baits soak in this mess for several days before you pulled them out to use.

Often, they came out smelling like a$% and catfish and just weren’t pleasant to use but you did it thinking it would mask the smell of the plastic as well as your own odor from handling your bait.

Then they came up with a spray version of basically the same thing so it wasn’t near as messy to use but it didn’t stay on your lure any longer than the other. Fast forward a couple of years and you had a tube with gel that was the newest thing and promised to totally alleviate the hassles of using scent.

Well, it did to some extent make things a little bit easier but, most of my fishing is done in So-Cal where day time temps can reach above 115 Fahrenheit. Out here where evening temps can drop to hotter than a well digger’s behind, the gel turns to liquid pretty quickly.

Finally, a little over a year ago, I got my hands on some FishSticks Lure Enhancer – Natural Fish Attractant. This product comes in a small ½ ounce tube just like chapstick. At first I was skeptical, but what the heck, nothing else had worked the way it was billed to so I gave it a try. I have been completely satisfied with this product from day one.

To begin with, it comes in two scents, crawfish and shad. I use both scents and have found that the shad is best on moving lures that imitate some kind of bait fish. The crawfish I use on any soft plastic and jig that imitates a mud-bug. Pretty simple really and the best part is that these scent really work.

Just Apply The Scent, And Start Fishing

To use them all you do is rub it on any lure including top-water plugs, crank-baits, spinner-baits, swim-baits, hollow body frogs, jigs or anything that you’re going to throw at ‘em. Use it just like you are putting chapstick on your lips, that’s it, start chunkin’ and windin’ and you don’t have to worry about re-applying them for quite a while.

I bought these at least 14 months ago and although the FishSticks Lure Enhancer is small in size, I am just now getting ready to replace the shad ‘cause I use it the most. Not bad, over a year’s worth of treating lures for about 9 bucks. Yeah, it sounds expensive for a ½ ounce worth of product but the thing you have to consider is that it does exactly what it is advertised to do and in my opinion, I have caught more fish by using this scent than I would have without it. And to top it all off, even in the heat of So-Cal summers, it doesn’t melt and make a mess in your tackle box or your boat.

This is the best lure enhancement scent on the market, period. The FishSticks Lure Enhancer is easy to use, stays on any and all lures for a sustained period of time, doesn’t melt under heat or freeze in the cold and treats an enormous amount of lures without going south on you. If you haven’t tried any scents in a while or never, give the FishSticks a go for yourself, I can’t imagine anyone being  disappointed with this product!

See ya on the water…


  1. […] that we made to the bait, which we did with all the contestants in the cage fight, was to use some Fish Sticks Lure Enhancer. I really don’t know if this had anything to do with the overall success of the day but as […]

  2. […] noticed a substantial difference when using scent versus not using scent. My choice here is the Fish Sticks Lure Enhancer in shad […]