3.5 Reasons To Use A Wading Staff

I am way too cool to use a wading staff when I go fly fishing.

I’m young and athletic (for now), and I can sit back and have a chuckle at the “old dudes” trudging through the water with a goofy wading staff.

After a quick laugh to myself I get back to my fishing and ever so nimbly bound from rock to…SPLASH!

Damn it—now I look like an idiot.

I’ve learned a few of these lessons over the years fly fishing, and these days, won’t hit the water without a good staff. Here are 3.5 reasons you should do the same.

1. You Fish Tailwaters

If you are fishing tailwaters near the dam, a staff is an absolute must.

This type of fishing situation is one when water levels can rise very quickly, making the wading not just difficult, but extremely dangerous as well.

As the water rises, the possibility of being struck with a large piece of debris rises with it. Every year, people are hurt, and a few even killed, on the Chattahoochee River near my home because the dam opened, and they were unable to get out of the water in time.

2. You Fish In Areas With Potentially Dangerous Wildlife

In the summer time, it’s rare for me to go on a mountain fishing trip and not see a water moccasin.

If I make the mistake of angering one while I am wading, I have a choice—get out, and fast (not always possible), or, do my best impression of a nature show host.

If I have my wading staff, I have a third option.

Don’t have water moccasins in your neck of the woods? That doesn’t mean you are in the clear. Check out this story about a guy who was attacked by a beaver while fishing. I am sort of proud to say this happened about 12 minutes from my home!

3. You Have Rubber Soles On Your Boots

Here’s the truth—no matter what modifications you make to your rubber soled boots, they will never be quite as stable as felt.

You can put studs on them, and they will still be a bit slick.

If you are out there doing your thing with rubber soles, being all responsible about invasive species and stuff, you need a staff.

3.5. Because You Fish (Period)

Think about it.

You’re out there fishing, trying to pay attention to what you’re doing, trying to find the next good hole, and bam—you’re on your butt soaking wet and all the fish scatter.

Fly fishing involves a bit of multitasking in an environment that is not natural to us humans.

A wading staff doesn’t make you look like some kind of crazy, fly fishing wizard—it shows you know what you’re doing. And who care’s how you look?

See who looks better when you’re dry, fishing away, and your buddy is taking some time to get the water out of his waders.

Do yourself a favor…use a staff!

See ya on the water…