The Dirty Dozen Carp Flies That Work!

The Golden Ghost

Fly fishing for carp can be a killer rush—but, it can also be incredibly frustrating.

This frustration is quickly compounded if you have a wealth of experience fishing for other species, like trout or bass, because the techniques and equipment will be unfamiliar. This is exactly why you need carp flies that work.

Great carp flies will mimic the way carp eat—which can be very different from the way trout or bass feed. Having the right flies on hand is extremely important, as is using the right techniques.

Before we get into the flies, let’s look at how carp feed. [Read more…]

Early Fall On The Toccoa River

Early fall in Georgia can be a funny thing. One day you wake up with dew all over your car and a chill in the air, the next it’s 95 degrees again. Just the same, I figured after my Chattahoochee River trip, it was time to give the Toccoa river a visit. [Read more…]